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How to Submit Your Plugin

This article goes through the steps for submitting a plugin that you have created and getting it distributed widely through BuildFire developer portal.

For CLI version please refer to


  1. You have to register to our Developer Portal.

  2. When you login you will gain a Development App ID for testing your submitted plugins.

  3. Go to the Plugin Manager.

  4. Click on Upload plugin and it will take you to Upload Plugin page.

  5. Click on Upload button and choose your file.

  6. Once uploaded, you will see your submitted plugin in your Plugin Manager.

Plugin Manager

file system

Potential errors while submitting plugins :

1.Incorrect zip file structure


  • you have to check your folder structure inside the zip file

Example for the correct folder structure and files :

file system

2. Missing control folder


  • missing control folder inside the the zip file

3. Missing resource folder


  • missing resource folder inside the the zip file

4. Missing image.png in resources folder


  • missing image.png file inside the resources folder , please pay attention to the image format should be .png

5. Missing icon.png in resources folder


  • missing image.png file inside the resources folder , please pay attention to the image format should be .png

6. Missing plugin.json file


  • missing plugin.json file inside the main folder.

7. Invalid plugin.json file format


  • the content of plugin.json file is incorrect json format

8. Missing widget folder


  • missing widget folder inside the main folder.
  • missing the following code in plugin.json"widget":{}

9-Missing control property in plugin.json


  • missing control property inside the plugin.json

  • missing the following code in plugin.json

    `, "design":{`
    `, "settings":{`

10-Missing content folder in control folder


  • missing content folder inside the control folder and the property for content folder is enabled in the plugin.json file . *you can enable or disable the content from the following code in plugin.json


11-Missing design folder in control folder


  • missing design folder inside the control folder and the property for design folder is enabled in the plugin.json file .

  • you can enable or disable the design from the following code in plugin.json

    "control":{ "design":{ "enabled":true }

12-Missing settings folder in control folder


  • missing settings folder inside the control folder and the property for settings folder is enabled in the plugin.json file.
  • you can enable or disable the settings from the following code in plugin.json

"control":{ "settings":{ "enabled":true }

13-Missing pluginName property in plugin.json


  • missing pluginName property in plugin.json.
  • missing the following code in plugin.json"pluginName":"Example Plugin"

14-Missing pluginDescription property in plugin.json


  • missing pluginDescription property in plugin.json
  • missing the following code in plugin.json " pluginDescription ":"This is a simple test plugin"

15-Missing features array property in plugin.json


  • missing features property in plugin.json and it should be an array .
  • missing the following code in plugin.json"features" : [{"name" : "GPS"} ,{"name" : "Bluetooth"}]

16-Missing features languages property in plugin.json


  • missing languages property in plugin.json and it should be an array of objects .
  • missing the following code in plugin.json"languages" : ["en" , "fr"]

For more detailed documentation on plugin.json please refer to How to Fill in "plugin.json" File